-Masters in Exercise Science: Health Promotion (BYU), 2021
-ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist
-GGS Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach (CPPC)
-ISSA Certified Nutritionist
-ISSA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
-ISSA Certified Bodybuilding Specialist
-ISSA Certified Exercise Therapy Specialist
-ISSA Certified Online Coach
-ISSA Certified Transformation Specialist
In other words, I care a whole lot about not only being qualified to give you real information, but communicating it in a way that’s digestible and benefits YOU as an individual.
Growing up I was involved in a lot of things, including sports, but never really felt comfortable in my body or sure of what I wanted to do with my life.
My first two years at a junior college I studied music & psychology (music because I liked piano, psychology because I knew my ultimate career goal was to help people in some way).
When I transferred to my university I asked myself, “what SCARES the crap out of you but if you could say you were _____ in 5 years, would make you the most proud?” Health coaching was what came to mind though I didn’t have a clue what exactly that looked like. But I chose Exercise & Wellness as my B.S. and the rest is history.